

ID issue is one of the difficulties looked by more than 1.1 billion individuals out of the aggregate
worldwide populace. This absence of an authoritative document of recognizable proof have
prevented more than 1.75 billion from securing the worldwide populace access to being a piece of
the saving money network as it is one of the essential for being a piece of the managing an
account industry.

Aside from the deterrents presented by the absence of recognizable proof in the managing
an account division, the developing business sector is another territory where this issue is
fast approaching as it have likewise denied many access to different other monetary administrations
like Insurance, loaning and the preferences.

Following the turns of occasions as it concerns the blockchain development in this day and age,
the issue of recognizable proof should be a relic of times gone by subsequently the requirement
for a gadget free, Globally open and computerized ID procedure to be incorporated as this would
thus, benefit numerous the chance to be a piece of the worldwide economy. Notwithstanding,
because of EverID group that have just worked enthusiastically to bring an answer.

Everest Use Cases

Cash Transfer : 100% validation of money sent to biometrically verified users
Remittance: Easy, cost-effective way for banks to offer money transfer services
Micro-finance: Full solution to lend money to the billions of people and SMEs
ID verification: Verify users through biometrics, government IDs and third party
Medical records: Manage documents hosted in the cloud or device, track healthcare
for all
Land: Combine titles, GPS coordinates, and identities to bank and secure land
Micro-insurance: Collect documents, biometrically sign contracts to serve billions
of users with or without devices.
Without verifiable identity, individuals are unable to access banking to receive
value or credit, preventing economic development.
The inability to prove identity impredes access to basic human rights such as
healthcare and education for over a billion people.
Lack of infrastructure surrounding identity and value transfer means major
institutions are unable to develop in emerging markets.

The ID token

IDs are an utility token that enable access to the EverID organize and the applications and
administrations based upon it. The 800 million issued ID tokens will be obtained by banks,
governments, NGOs, extensive associations, and clients (i.e. settlement senders) that need to
get to EverID's system. Foundations are given differing levels of access to the stage in light of
what number of tokens they hold while clients won't be required to hold IDs with a specific end goal
to get esteem.

A gadget free advanced character would enable very nearly 5 billion individuals to end up
some portion of the worldwide economy, subsequently encouraging outer interest in developing
markets. General and comprehensive personality will be the impetus for trillions of dollars worth of
exchanges, esteem exchanges, and character confirmation costs.

Estimation of personality
A verifiable digital identity will enable emerging market economies to grow into
a $40+ trillion opportunity.
  • Target: $20M

  • Pre-sale: August 2018

Use of funds
Token Allocation
Roadmap and Traction
EverID is made up of an experienced team with multiple successful IPOs,
acquisitions, and startup and blockchain projects behind them.

For more information, please visit links below

Bitcointalk Username: saneer234


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