Trex token

Hi everybody, If you are occupied with joining theTREX venture, it is a smart thought to peruse audits that can assist you with getting data that may help you in observing their vision and mission, as pursues:
About the Project: Trex token is an additional stage, that will be assembled utilizing the Ethereum blockchain. The focal point of the designers is one near their heart. This undertaking devoted to artists and endeavors to understand a noteworthy shake-up for rising specialists.
Through Trex Token, artists will have the chance of creating their own melodies and watchers will appreciate and hear check content from any gadget they possess Trex Token will offer the disciple considering the likelihood of utilizing the stage in various courses from, clear gushing, to demands for gifts, installments and the addition of publicizing supports
It separates itself from helper music gushing stages by helping to back music and video craftsmen and gifting tokens to its clients, from music/video devotees to those for the trailer exercises).
Vision -
Our vision is to make another progressive brand connected to music
gushing that is not normal for some other stage.
Keys to Success Trex Token will be the new purpose of
reference for the music showcase and will be completely created utilizing
the advancements that the blockchain has accessible. Utilizing the
blockchain bears Trex Token with the way to be
decentralized and be more community — based contrasted with its
contenders. Presently seeing a music video is through YouTube,
tuning in and spilling is by means of Spotify, advertising is on iTunes or
Beatport and publicizing is via web-based networking media. Trex Token intends to
take care of this issue for the last time.
At the point when a craftsman makes another single or melodic collection, he should contribute his opportunity to make that piece from a unique thought through to the item. They fund it with their own cash, contact a record name with the expectation that they are occupied with the melody, contributing and distributing it to get the most deals. This all takes numerous prior months results can be accomplished .
Regularly notwithstanding, this does not occur, as the craftsman does not have the important assets to make a music video, since he doesn’t have the correct contacts, and in light of the fact that the record name (given
the colossal measure of tunes they get) once in a while puts their time and exertion into the melody. A craftsman can regularly discover they have invested substancial energy and assets without increases or income.
Trex Token, because of the Ethereum blockchain, at long last needs to determine these issues that thwart rising specialists inside the universe of music. Trex Token will give chances to the sponsor to effectively contact their group of onlookers, in this manner staying away from middle people who just increment the publicizing cost. We will give them the decision to pick the sum to put resources into every individual publicizing. What’s more, publicists will inspire information to gauge the aftereffects of their advertising effort.

Answer For the issues:
Trex Token has settled issues for the entertainer by allowing them to transfer their tunes with no path for a stamp collection name. The entertainer can achieve gifts in TXT tokens which can be
changed over to money or it can announcement going on support the continue of their own piece of music. Specialists can besides benefit incomes from promoting created by their bit of music and by exchanging
their very own melodies. This will be improved by the informal organization made tough the request of for the Trex Token stage and the faithfulness of fans.
Assets by means of the Trex Tokens token $ TXT will be credited to the entertainer money clip out of the blue and they will be apt to halt or convert as they sky fit. Specialists eccentricity never again hold up a while in the at this point a lp mark sends different reports, they can check the before installment inconclusive period specifically inside his Ethereum Wallet.
Through Trex Token, the sponsor will in addition to have more prominent clearness on talking costs and won’t need to pay another middle person. They can make their very own publicizing shake-up through a unique
publicizing instrument inside the Trex Token stage, picking the claim incline.
Once a try is picked, the publicist can pick the sum (in $ TXT he needs to contribute for each promoting session. The accompanying the offer, the greater perceivability the publicizing will have. At long last
the publicist won’t need to pay galactic figures, as Trex Token profoundly takes out the go-betweens and enables the promoter to discover the spending they dream to spend for person
Trex Token acknowledges inside their stage, each and the whole one melodies, that are not written falsification, but rather the outcomes of the innovation and put it on of a craftsman, without along these lines hurting the move of new craftsmen.

ICO Details

General information

Token: TXT
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 10,000,000,000 TXT
Price: 1 ETH = 10,000,000 TXT
Payment: ETH
Hard cap: 500 ETH
Start: 09/20/2018
Completion: 11/30/2018
Smart Contract : 0x4b44f450bc3bFB60DC1a0690cBA028e1193CaE4f
Term of token sale:

30 days with the possibility of an automatic early completion in pursuing the final goals of ICO


– All unsold and unallocated tokens will bе destroyed and additional release оf tokens will not be possible
– CEO & Dev wallets will be lock 1 year.
– Advisors wallets will be lock 3 months.

token will be essential for :
• Making a donation
• Purchasing a song
• Royalty Payouts

For more information, please visit links below
Bitcointalk Username: saneer234Bitcointalk URL:;u=2396802


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